Grecia Huesca Dominguez's first love when it comes to writing is poetry. Her work has been featured in Vogue Mexico's 2020 Hope September Issue, the BreakBeat Poets Vol. 4 LatiNext anthology, and The Acentos Review.
Here to Stay, Harper Perennial
Here to Stay is a collection of honest, searing, and evocative poems interspersed with short personal narratives. Deeply intimate, these works explore how to exist in the space between the familiar and the unknown, between the safety of silence and the desire to share. Highlighting the significant insights of undocumented poets, this brilliant compendium challenges misconceptions of what it means to live and write as an undocumented person in modern America. This anthology feature the poems, "Christmas Even in San Diego After Crossing the Border," and, "Allthe Divorced Mexican Women I Meet Are Happy."
“I Missed So Much:” Why Grief Is So Complicated When You’re Undocumented
"When I emigrated from Veracruz, Mexico, to New York at 10 years old, I genuinely thought I would see everyone from my homeland again. I was told our move to the U.S. was going to be temporary, a year or two. But 10 months later, when my great-grandmother passed away, I learned that my immigration status meant I couldn’t go back even to say goodbye or properly mourn."
I Left the U.S. After Living Undocumented for 21 Years — Here’s What I Learned
"When Donald Trump won the 2016 Presidential Election, I knew I had to leave my home in the United States. On the campaign trail, Trump talked about canceling Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) — President Barack Obama’s executive action granting undocumented people that arrived in the U.S. as children work permits and protection from deportation. Nine months into his presidency, Trump finally announced his plans to terminate the policy that offered me sanctuary — and I knew I had to set a plan to leave the country that raised me."
In the dynamic tradition of the BreakBeat Poets anthology, The BreakBeat Poets Vol. 4: LatiNext celebrates the embodied narratives of Latinidad. Poets speak from an array of nationalities, genders, sexualities, races, and writing styles, staking a claim to our cultural and civic space. Like Hip-Hop, we honor what was, what is, and what’s next.- Haymarket Books
Grecia Huesca Dominguez's poem, "Mexican Remedies," is featured in The BreakBeat Poets Vol. 4: LatiNext anthology.